New Students
- First-Year Advising
- First-Year New Student Orientation
- Families and Triton Supporters
- New Student FAQs
Parents, families, and all Triton supporters are a valuable part of a new student's transition to UC San Diego. We recognize your desire to want to learn all you can about this new place your student is entering, and how you can support them in their transition.
New Student Orientation is the first step in helping your student successfully join our Triton community. It's important to note, Orientation isn’t just for students — families and supporters play a critical role in their success! That’s where we come in! Eighth College New Student Orientation offers various resources to help you support your student’s transition to UC San Diego and Eighth College.
Whether this is your first college student, or your fifth, we invite you to participate in our Family and Triton Supporter Welcome and become familiar with the Eighth College staff and UC San Diego resources available to both you and your student!
You’re an important part of your student’s UC San Diego experience, and we’re here to make sure you have all the support you need to effectively support your student. Whether you’re looking to better understand your student’s academic journey, need help connecting and communicating with your student, or are just looking for convenient hotel recommendations, we’ve got you covered.
Parent & Family Programs at UC San Diego provides opportunities to family members to journey through UC San Diego alongside their student.